Your Skinny School Guide For Learning
The explanatory picture here is loaded with cheesy symbolism.
- The bottle of DietGlue that you will use to learn how to STICK to a diet and get your whole like glue together. (Notice the word DietGlue is STUCK together.)
- The 4 steps you will use to achieve success.
- The four shades of gray on the four steps, and on the chevrons on my dress and on the nozzle of the glue bottle. They are to symbolize that our problems aren’t just black and white, but complex shades of gray.
- A little Judy will be your guide.

* There is an animated version of this image, at the bottom of this page. I spent hours learning how to do that darn animation and my son wrote the little jingle that goes with it.)
Only in retrospect, did I realize that I did these 4 effective steps to achieve my weight loss and permanent weight maintenance. Now you have the huge advantage of a guided tour through these 4-steps. (Most dieters just do some of the stuff in Step 4–over and over and over—and over.)
If you are ready to start peeling back some of those fat layers of self-deception and go on an interesting learning adventure into your own head, heart and hectic life, I will guide you through the basics.
Once you get the hang of it, you will be ready to control your own diet evolution. You will be able to implement the processes, mind-sets, and practical ideas that I have incorporated into my life. This approach will allow you, as it has me, to glue together all the components of your existence and finally have an authentic, autonomous, organized, happy life— because how you eat affects your life, and your life affects how you eat.
I will be folding many more benefits into the upcoming blog posts than I mentioned in Blog 1. However, I want to mention a few more benefits right now that you will relish as you read, reread, rethink, and reorganize yourself for a happier life with food.
- You will get the chaos out of your head, heart, and hectic life.
- As you get your whole life organized, prioritized, and glued together, with your weight issues incorporated and maintainable, you will even save time and money.
- In the process of gluing your life together philosophically, effectively, and efficiently, you will learn to better develop, understand, and love your authentic self.
- You will accept weaknesses in yourself just as you accept them in anyone else you love.
- Once you start loving yourself, you will start taking better care of yourself because you will know you are worth the effort.
- Most of the time you will be at peace with food. (Even skinny people mess up occasionally.)
- Believe it or not, if I can get you to change your perspective just a bit, you will learn to enjoy the process.
Even if you think some of these benefits don’t fit with a weight-management plan, you will soon see how they were essential for me as I learned how to attain and maintain a thinner, happier life.
I want the animation (below) of my 4-step process to help you visualize how each step fits into the previous step. Step 4, where you probably have started in the past, is neatly tucked into all the more important components of your life.