If, after reading Judy’s DietGlue, you think you might like to have me help you on a one-on-one basis, please contact me with a brief explanation of your needs and wants.
If after reading your e-mail I am sure that I cannot help you, I will let you know. On the other hand, if your e-mail makes me think I can be a benefit you, I will contact you so we can set up a free call and talk more specifically about how I might be able to help you.
If we decide that working together is a good idea, we can set up a temporary/flexible schedule. Our work together may be just for a few sessions–weekly or even daily. On the other hand, you may want me as your support person as you work your weight-loss plan for however long that takes. You may even want to check in with me regularly or occasionally as you work at becoming relaxed and sure of yourself in maintenance. I will only work individually with a few people because it is a serious relationship and a time-consuming labor of love.
I don’t want you to feel obligated; there is no contract. My fee is $25 per quarter hour. We can talk for 15, 30, or 45 minutes a day or week, or an hour a week, or whatever amount of time we decide upon. We can change our schedule as we work. Remember, you are in charge–I am just here to help you.