Make one landing page for bloggers and one for reviewers?
Each will have a different introductory paragraph
then the links to the cover and the content.
For Bloggers:
Dear Friends in Fat,
In the late 1980’s I created and sold 1000’s of my 1-2-3 SMART COOKIE APPROACH TO DIETING tape library to libraries, hospitals, and individuals. It’s now in CD form available at about Audio This 6 hour audio is about how I had finally figured out how to lose over 100 pounds and keep it off. At the time I did The SMART COOKIE, I had been at a normal weight for about 8 years, which statistically is pretty darn rare. Right? What I have discovered in the years since writing The 1-2-3 Smart Cookie Approach is that my real success was not just about DIETING and WEIGHT MAINTANENCE. The real success was acquired from using my huge issue with my weight a catalyst to examine my whole life and to prioritize and organize what was going on in my head, heart and hectic life.
The result is that I am a happier, healthier, more productive, authentic, self-actualized, motivated, organized person at peace with food and my body.
Thus, over the last few years I have written about all the wonderful discoveries I have made since I wrote 1-2-3 SMART COOKIE audio. Just as my thinking has greatly evolved, my approach has changed from a 1-2-3 to a 4-3-2-1 approach.
I am a healthy 68-year old, but time is ticking and I want as many women as possible to have access to my work. Since you are already helping the very women also want to help, I hope you will let me–help you–help them. I just love win-win-win situations. I hope we can find a way to work together. Here is the FREE download of Judy’s DietGlue book. Once I get plenty of positive feedback, would love to make a little money by selling Judy’s DietGlue through other good people. Is that you?
The remainder of this long letter contains lots more information about Judy’s DietGlue that you may find useful.
Download FREE Book (For Now)
Judy’s DietGlue
Clickable book picture here again.
You can download my book Judy’s DietGlue: The Thinking Woman’s How-To-Stick-To-Any-Sensible-Weight-Control-Plan Manual. FREE for awhile.
When I look at my own priorities I know I want to make some money. However, I also have the curse of having a CAUSE. I know I want to help women who struggle with their weight even more than I want to make money. Since I am 68 years old, I figured I better hurry up and get my work out to you ASAP. If I have to spend several years marketing before I convince enough people that my work is useful, I will never be able to relax.
So, for awhile, and until I get a lot of feedback, I decided to offer it FREE to anyone who can use it. Just click here to read about it and FREE Download directly from my website or you can download it from Kindle for FREE. (Clickable Thumbnail of book) All I ask is that you send me your thoughts or suggestions for improvement, or a testimonial or a review on Kindle.
I decided to offer an ebook version of Judy’s DietGlue FREE until women discover how helpful I can be. All I ask is for your feedback and permission to use anything nice you have to say in my ebook and eventual print book. I also would like your email address and permission to contact you very occasionally. I will be offering a FREE weekly “Food for Thought” via email soon. I promise not to be a pest, but you know you can unsubscribe me easily.
I also am offering my work FREE since I am 68 years old, and I figured I better hurry up and get my work out to you so I will have at least 30 more years to bask in the glow of being appreciated for my efforts.
Besides my altruistic and monetary purposes though, I have always wanted to create and run a little business where I would treat everyone I worked with in a manner I think would make the business world a better place. So far, I have created all the content of my book, audio, columns, the logo, book cover, and website (with lots of training, patience and help from my 19-year old technology expert.) So my work fits the philosophy that I am promoting to you. My work (bad or good) is a combination of a desire to serve, to make a little money and to create a business out of my CAUSE.
Well, dear reader, you surely know enough about me (for now) and my motives for wanting to help you get your weight issues under control. If you still aren’t ready to read Judy’s DietGlue, at least go back to my blog and share your feelings. link to blog. If you are ready to download Judy’s DietGlue, Judy’s DietGlue download click this link.
Put in my signature
ps: Remember, the book is FREE…,
So what do you have to lose???
Just Do It!!
(Clickable Thumbnail– Need different way for reviewers to download free,
or go to shopping, buy and then download.