is an essential companion and complimentary book to help you rethink, organize, and prioritize your life and motivate you to STICK to any good weight control plan.

The Purpose of the Website:
- To get you to know, like, and trust me so I can help you through my blog and book which completely explains my 4-3-2-1 Approach and may well be the vital missing link in your pursuit of dieting success.
- To get you to trust me isn’t (and shouldn’t be) easy to do in this world full of shameless “Miracle,” “Easy,” “Fast,” “Breakthrough,” sales promises and nonsensical hype about obvious, simplistic (eat less and exercise more) basic plans to lose weight. It’s not easy when so many women feel so desperate and hungry for THE answer and I don’t have THE easy answer for you. Nobody does. But I can give several answers that work—and a unique, logical process to use to achieve your weight control goals permanently.
- To give us the ability to talk to each other and share experiences and insights. Also you can tell me how I can be most useful to you. I will also be available on Facebook, Twitter, and at the your nearest Baskin Robbins (just kidding about the BR.)
- To give you critical ingredients that are missing in diets books, plans and programs. JUDY’S DIETGLUE IS NOT A DIET BOOK. It does not contain diets or plans, or menus or recipes or little hints and tips. Instead, you could call DietGlue an essential companion book or auxiliary or complimentary supplementary book that should be sold with every diet book or plan so you can STICK to that sensible weight control program you have chosen.
- To give you a bridge book that fills the gap between those books that lead you through every bad experience you ever had to those simple brainless plans that just count your calories for you and call it a “scientific breakthrough” plan and/or sell you nothing more than controlled portions that you could (and SHOULD) figure out for yourself at a fraction of the cost.
- To teach how to go about organizing your head, heart and hectic life and to teach you how to motivate yourself to STICK to your favorite sensible plan.
- To teach you how to seamlessly and almost effortlessly integrate weight loss and maintenance into your daily life.
- To teach you how to live at peace with food.
To learn much more about my 30 years of experiences, experimentation, research, documentation and how I successfully glued it all together and wrote it all down for you in Judy’s DietGlue. make a link: about Judy’s DietGlue
- To let you hear the 6 hour Smart Cookie Audio Cassette Tape Library. I created and sold 1000’s of Smart Cookies in 1987 after I had been thin for about 8 years. Because The Smart Cookie is still packed with valuable help for any constant dieter, I have reformatted it for downloading your to computer or digital audio player. About 1/3 of my dietglue book came directly from the Smart Cookie audio. I hope you like it. You may hate the first few minutes because I always spend too much time explaining what I am going to do. Just like I am beginning to do do right now.
For lots more information about the audio click: make a link: about The Smart Cookie Audio

- You will benefit if you want to learn how to organize your head, heart, and hectic life for long term weight control.
- You will benefit if you are a smart woman who now spends too much time and energy feeling rotten about your struggle with food and fat.
- You will benefit if you are sick of trying to fit your life around your weight control plans.
- You will benefit if you want to spend less time thinking about the size of your rear end and more finding and fulfilling your more important life goals.
- You will benefit if you are ready to embark on a wonderful introspective, evolutionary adventure into yourself that will get your life goals and weight goals prioritized and organized using a sensible, 4-3-2-1 Approach.
- You will benefit if you are ready to prepare for success by first examining past failures and then organizing your head, heart and hectic life in a comprehensive manner you had never knew was possible.

- Fools and Nincompoops!
- Men, unless they have been fighting fat since childhood. Sorry guys. You will have to find your own guru. Scat boys, shoo, scram, skedaddle. I have never been a fat man and my work on this website, blog and my publications is about the feelings fat women share that you guys (fat or skinny) just couldn’t possibly GET.
- If you are a lady who knows or believes her issues with weight are as simple as liking food too much, then I will be of little use to you.
- On the flip side of that, you won’t benefit if you want to delve into every nook and cranny of your life and examine every thought, feeling and negative experience you have ever had. If you are deeper than a dinner plate, you will probably NEVER get themALL figured out. There are, however, a bunch of solutions I have found that are pretty common among most of us women who have a crazy relationship with food but are otherwise not certifiable insane.
- You won’t benefit if you are looking for a know-it-all, smug expert with black and white answers for your unique life. I still don’t totally understand my fascinating, evolving self but I have found ENOUGH answers to live a happy life free of compulsive eating, free of regaining, or free of a fear of food.
- You won’t benefit if you just want hints, tips, recipes, and specific diet plans.
- You won’t benefit if you only want to know the answer to the Big 3 Questions:
- How much did you lose?
- How long did it take?
- What diet did you use?

- By being your experienced, successful, useful, funny, cranky, often wise friend.
- By teaching you to be your own best teacher.
- By sharing what I have learned that can shorten and flatten your learning curve.
- By providing a sympathetic, understanding, smart aleck, website and blog where you can find out where to find good weight control information from other great websites. (See right side bar called: Judy’s favorite diet sites and blogs.)
- If you wish, I will email you weekly “Food for Thought” Message. (Put link to Landing Subscription page here This is also a way to get your permission to keep contacting you occasionally so you won’t forget me and I can let you know about new information I think you would appreciate.
- By convincing you to read my book and/or listen to my audio. That’s obviously the best way I can help you. make a link: about Judy’s DietGlue.
- If you never want more than the blog and other free stuff, you are still always welcome here, but I will keep bugging you about it. make a link: click blog.

Altrustic Motives:
First: It is my cause. I don’t like to write but I have worked my rear off (not quite) for the last few years, writing, but NOT because I care if women are fat or thin. What I care about is that women don’t let fat get in the way of living to their potential and from sharing themselves with the world.Second: I hope writing this book and starting this little internet business will help me live up to MY potential which is to live up to my own philosophy of life to “To Grow As I Help Other People To Grow” and to “Live, Love, Learn , Laugh, and Leave a Legacy.Selfish Motive:
Once enough people read my book and let me know it made a difference in their lives, THEN I will go on to my second goal—to make a little extra money doing what my belief system says I need to do whether I get paid or not. If no one likes my work; well, I’ll cling to the W. Greatbatch quote” I don’t think God cares if you win or you lose, but I think he just cares that you try.”Cheers,
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Download FREE Book (For Now)
Judy’s DietGlue
Clickable book picture here again.
You can download my book Judy’s DietGlue: The Thinking Woman’s How-To-Stick-To-Any-Sensible-Weight-Control-Plan Manual. FREE for awhile.
When I look at my own priorities I know I want to make some money. However, I also have the curse of having a CAUSE. I know I want to help women who struggle with their weight even more than I want to make money. Since I am 68 years old, I figured I better hurry up and get my work out to you ASAP. If I have to spend several years marketing before I convince enough people that my work is useful, I will never be able to relax.
So, for awhile, and until I get a lot of feedback, I decided to offer it FREE to anyone who can use it. Just click here to read about it and FREE Download directly from my website or you can download it from Kindle for FREE. (Clickable Thumbnail of book) All I ask is that you send me your thoughts or suggestions for improvement, or a testimonial or a review on Kindle.
My 4-3-2-1 Approach will not only teach you my process for finally, permanently losing and maintaining, BUT you will also learn how to eat your way to a happier, more organized, productive life—at peace with food. It’s not a miracle, but a unique, logical, healthy, long-term approach for solving your weight issues AND it will even save you gobs of money.
What have you got to lose?