
These are testimonials that I received for “The Smart Cookie”  They are all I have so far because no one has read my book yet!  You can be one of the first and I will put them on this page.


  • “I feel like I know you. I know so many I wish could hear these tapes. I love them.”
  • “You verbalize feelings and thoughts I have been unable to express to myself.”
  • “You got thoughts out of me I didn’t know I had.”
  • “I felt like I was on the outside looking and listening to someone and discovered that that person was me.”
  • “The rest of the world should hear your message….”
  •  “Wonderful. Each time I listen 1-2 times a day I hear something new. I am struck by the tone of deep respect for your listeners and the profound, hard-won, respectfully offered life lessons. This is heroism.”
  • “Better than diet pills and plans. It examines the psyche, uplifts one’s spirit, and activates one’s commitment to “exercise” control of what really matters: the sources influencing eating patterns.”
  • “Thanks for helping me get my head on straight again.”
  •  “The tapes have been a great HELP so please send the replacement soon. I hate to be without it for even a week.”
  • “I hated to hear your wistful voice say “good bye.”
  • “Your tape library will never get very far from my hot little hands.”
  •  “You make me realize my problem is complex, guilt is useless and action is a must.”
  • “Like a best friend—supportive, encouraging, non-condemning, but very honest and unaccepting of excuses.”
  •  “I’ve listened to the entire 6 hours 4 times now and get something more each time.”
  • “I didn’t want the tapes to end.”“I laughed, I cried, and I thought about myself like I never have before.”“You get to the heart of the problem.”“Your tapes must be experienced to be appreciated.”